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100+ years carbon removal

Operating across the globe

The need to achieve net-zero is now well documented, now it is time for action. CDR with Biochar is a high integrity method to carbon removals - with additional sustainability and environmental benefit. 

Biochar & CDR's role in reaching net-zero

Why Biochar?

Biochar is a carbon-rich material made from biomass waste, and its production is one of few established CDR methods that can be deployed at a scale large enough to counteract effects of climate change within the next decade.

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towards net-zero

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In recent years, Biochar CDR demand has surged due to defined global climate goals, growing pressure to address climate change, and regulatory support. This upward trajectory is driven by the recognition that engineered carbon removal methods like Biochar hold exceptional value, and its adoption by the world’s leading brands.

Biochar CDR's Surge in Demand

Biochar is a permanent & premium CDR option, with recent studies showing it can be stored underground for 100-1000s of years. Additionally, Biochar CDR offers a rounded solution for environmental & social sustainability - it can be reused in many applications, including water filtration and soil fertilisation in developing regions.

Biochar the optimal CDR technique

The IPCC has stated CDR is vital for achieving net-zero emissions, and CDR’s inclusion in climate agreements like the Paris Agreement underscores its role in securing a sustainable future. While it is necessary to balance our carbon budget & address historical emissions, companies that engage in the Voluntary Carbon Market are 1.8x more likely to be decarbonising year on year.

CDR considered a 'must have’

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Act now and lead the journey
towards net-zero

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If you have the questions, then we have the answers!

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What is Biochar carbon removal?

Biochar carbon removal (BCR), also known as Pyrogenic Carbon Capture and Storage, is a carbon-negative technology. This process involves producing biochar by subjecting biomass waste to pyrolysis and then upcycling the biochar to soils or long-lasting materials like cement or tar. 

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